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Challenger of the status quo

Welcome to my worldview

Want to Have Options? Have Money

It is long known in the self-help literature that mindset is the origin of our actions, in such a way that even if you repeated the same steps, these wouldn’t lead to precisely the same results because of the intent (the why, so to speak) is not the same. The origin of our expression is the mindset in any shape or form. So, it’s our most precious treasure, a treasure which cannot be stolen away from us, but it can be evolved or damaged if we allow other people that.

9th Apr 2022

Collect the Virtues of Your Mentors

You may recognize in your life people that have helped you at a difficult time or situation, or you have someone in your life that you admire most because of their achievements. Whether you hired them as coaches or you were just observing them, if you think of it, you can learn something from everyone you meet in life.

12th Nov 2021

Economics of Knowledge or How Knowledge is Flat

What would you think if I told you that ignorance and knowledge are actually knitted together? While we don’t perceive knowledge and ignorance as to the same thing, knowledge and ignorance are basically the pieces that enable us to participate in the information exchange market.

13th Aug 2021

If It's Not Broken, Don't Fix It, Should You?

“Don't be afraid to give up the good to go for the great.” -John D. Rockefeller.

For a long time, I’ve heard the phrase “If it’s not broken, don’t fix it,” and most of the time it’s never thought further, we just accept it as we have inherited it from our collective wisdom, but I sometimes ask myself if we should just think a bit differently. Maybe it deserves a bit of new polish the time has taken from it.

5th Jul 2021

Diversity of Knowledge is Key

“People would do better if they knew better.” -Jim Rohn

Let’s imagine for a moment you haven’t yet figured out in life your professional inclinations. Wouldn't it be valuable if you knew since you were a child, what you exactly needed to achieve your dreams?

I have no children myself, but I highly recommend that parents expose their children to different activities or introduction to professions and let them explore something they might enjoy later in life. They will thank you later, I’ll guarantee that.

23rd May 2021

Most Important: Find Out Your Why

Whenever you do something in life, whether a simple small action to a big change in your life, please think about why it is important to you or why it is worth doing.

Mindset is the make or break of your life, so if somehow an action you’re doing is separating you from the path you’ve set for yourself, you’ll thank yourself for catching it on time and preventing further going away from it.

7th Feb 2021

The key to lasting change

Most of the time we wished we didn’t have shortcomings, but if we were perfect we wouldn’t have challenges that end up creating for us the room we just need to improve.

What if we could change these bad habits into beneficial ones? What if we compounded our future self with a better present? Does the prospect of a better yourself excite you? There’s beauty in our imperfection.

14th Dec 2020