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Challenger of the status quo

Welcome to my worldview

The True Values of a Company

You may have seen companies claim in their marketing material that they abide by a set of values; such values might look like: Kindness, Trustworthiness, and Listeners. Somehow, they disappoint you because deep within, you know they are operating under another set of values, or I’d dare to say anti-values.

Operating under a set of unidentified anti-values is a great way to destroy the goodwill built with customers and business partners and employee loyalty.

22nd Dec 2022

What Are Some Ways to Be Impactful?

If you’re an overthinker like me, you might think broadly about issues in your industry. Whether you’re an employee, contractor or entrepreneur, there’s always the opportunity to cause some or significant impact in your field.

This post is inspired by the Work on what matters blog post by Will Larson. Though this post only focuses on the impact part of influence, whether your impact is made visible or not, it is up to you to factor visibility in the kind of impact of your choosing. It also broadens the scope of influence in that it’s not just organizational change that you could be looking for.

14th Jul 2022

Company Visions Aren’t Invented, Are Rather Discovered

What would you think if I told you that company visions, and most importantly, a company’s purpose is discovered, rather than invented? Is it backward if you as a founder or CEO try to force unto the market some presumptions? Of course, you have to test the waters (MVPs are a good tool for this), but always with an open mind that you’ll most likely be proven wrong.

28th Oct 2021

Save Time or Money? a Problem of Corporate Vision

What would you tell a prospective customer when he tells you they are looking for the cheapest rate freelancer to develop a relatively complex web application? On top of that, the prospective customer also asks you to recommend a Community Manager to post once or twice a day on the social media accounts of the so-called company (which happens to not even exist yet).

Taken at face value, you might get discouraged to work with this person, but have you ever thought why? Have you thought deeply about what is enraging of this example situation? Let’s discuss a bit more about this topic.

6th Sep 2021

Gall’s Law and How I Ignored It

This is one of these entrepreneurial pitfalls that, once you come across to realize you have been doing it wrong all this time, the business perspective of your ideas gets shaken like a 9.0 Richter earthquake. Such an incredible realization could only come from the simplicity of business processes and value-adding approach to work.

28th Aug 2021

If It's Not Broken, Don't Fix It, Should You?

“Don't be afraid to give up the good to go for the great.” -John D. Rockefeller.

For a long time, I’ve heard the phrase “If it’s not broken, don’t fix it,” and most of the time it’s never thought further, we just accept it as we have inherited it from our collective wisdom, but I sometimes ask myself if we should just think a bit differently. Maybe it deserves a bit of new polish the time has taken from it.

5th Jul 2021