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Challenger of the status quo

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How Do Zero Commissions Currency Exchanges Work?

The P2P financial markets are yet to converge. In Latin America, there are a lot of actors in the market offering excellent financial services, from money transfers to banking, retail trading, insurance, and so on and so forth.

Today's post will focus on P2P currency exchanges, unlicensed international money transfer services, and unlicensed retail currency exchanges, which often comprise individuals executing transactions manually with their personal bank accounts. These unlicensed currency exchanges are more common than you think in Latin America.

29th Jan 2022

» C++ is the new Python

C++ is making a comeback. It ranked fourth on the Tiobe Index as the most popular coding language this month after being rated top by 8% of people. That doesn't exactly put it on a par with C or Java or Python at 11-12%, but it does mean that C++ is up there with the favourites- and that it's continuing a run of increasing popularity that began at the start of 2020.

15th Jul 2021

My First Steps in a Fintech Journey

Ever wondered how opaque Latin American financial markets are? Especially for the parallel ones. Mysterious and ever-changing, unstable and almost with own personality. The opaqueness I’m referring to is mostly about how rates in currency pairs seem to change a lot and how people tend to interpret these at their convenience.

11th Apr 2021