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Challenger of the status quo

Welcome to my worldview

Gall’s Law and How I Ignored It

This is one of these entrepreneurial pitfalls that, once you come across to realize you have been doing it wrong all this time, the business perspective of your ideas gets shaken like a 9.0 Richter earthquake. Such an incredible realization could only come from the simplicity of business processes and value-adding approach to work.

28th Aug 2021

» C++ is the new Python

C++ is making a comeback. It ranked fourth on the Tiobe Index as the most popular coding language this month after being rated top by 8% of people. That doesn't exactly put it on a par with C or Java or Python at 11-12%, but it does mean that C++ is up there with the favourites- and that it's continuing a run of increasing popularity that began at the start of 2020.

15th Jul 2021

The Hidden World of Systems Programming Languages

Have you ever wondered what are the programming languages that power our modern world? From my perspective living in Latin America, I see great trends towards Web Development. People learning JavaScript (in many flavors and many frameworks: Node.js, Angular, React, Vue, Vanilla, TypeScript, etc.) and perhaps PHP. These languages and technologies present great opportunities for serving the ever-emerging market of Software Web Development, but have you ever thought about the programming languages that actually enable us the modernities of today?

12th Jun 2021

My First Steps in a Fintech Journey

Ever wondered how opaque Latin American financial markets are? Especially for the parallel ones. Mysterious and ever-changing, unstable and almost with own personality. The opaqueness I’m referring to is mostly about how rates in currency pairs seem to change a lot and how people tend to interpret these at their convenience.

11th Apr 2021

Economics of Software Performance

Disclaimer: I’m presenting this post without any figures or math, so it’s just my opinion based on professional past eye-witnessed experiences. This post will not be about hate, but rather on the weaknesses of delivery of recent trending technologies.

Recently I’ve seen a dangerous trend in software development, more specifically about web and desktop technologies. I wish not to bash on software frameworks such as Electron, but I think there are hidden costs for both junior developers and enterprises are ignoring. Let’s dig a bit deeper ahead.

10th Dec 2020