We have to be self-aware of our language because the words we utter end up being a reflection (as well as a reinforcement) of our beliefs. Language is the great window of our mindset, for both looking inwards and projecting outwards.
The other day, I talked to an aspiring entrepreneur friend, but later in the conversation, we started talking about removing the focus on unimportant stuff. He mentioned that we should focus on landing a managerial role in BigCo. It got me thinking, "That’s a Freudian slip of his true beliefs."
In reality, his self-talk is about having a cushy job. He might need to be aware that his words reinforce his beliefs. I cannot emphasize more the effect of our language on our mindset.
I’m not saying wishing for a cushy job is a bad thing in itself. That’s great if he was honest with himself about what he says and thinks. This even extends to what he does. You do and say as you truly think, precisely that.
Take care of your language; it is both the reflection and leverage of our life.
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